The term Highly Aware is meant to describe young people who have a heightened sense of
Self, Soul, and Surroundings.
Self, Soul, and Surroundings.
Their awareness usually does not fit into neuro-typical, developmental or conventional parameters. They see, feel, hear and experience levels of reality that often go unacknowledged in most cultures. With this awareness often comes a set of challenges as well as gifts.
If Highly Aware are in an environment that is in conflict with their specific proclivities, they can often experience
Overwhelm, Disassociation, and Isolation.
Their high sensitivity to **Emotional Fields, **Informational Incoherency, **Pattern Disrupts and **Time/Space Anomalies
can cause them to develop coping behaviors such as:
People Pleasing, Reclusiveness, Stemming, Hiding their Abilities and Rebellion.
Wonderment's Way is Asset Based, meaning it focuses on the assets of being Highly Aware and on how our communities can benefit from an exchange with these young people. The traits below that seem like problems can actually stimulate imaginative progress in our societies.
If Highly Aware are in an environment that is in conflict with their specific proclivities, they can often experience
Overwhelm, Disassociation, and Isolation.
Their high sensitivity to **Emotional Fields, **Informational Incoherency, **Pattern Disrupts and **Time/Space Anomalies
can cause them to develop coping behaviors such as:
People Pleasing, Reclusiveness, Stemming, Hiding their Abilities and Rebellion.
Wonderment's Way is Asset Based, meaning it focuses on the assets of being Highly Aware and on how our communities can benefit from an exchange with these young people. The traits below that seem like problems can actually stimulate imaginative progress in our societies.
This LIST serves as a tool for identifying alignment with Highly Aware experiences.
If you identify with at least 3 traits in EACH category, either in your past or currently, you may benefit from support for the Highly Aware.
These traits can always change and evolve over time.
If you identify with at least 3 traits in EACH category, either in your past or currently, you may benefit from support for the Highly Aware.
These traits can always change and evolve over time.
1. Learning style and information processing is not congruent with conventional classroom setting or developmental standards
2. Expresses frustration at speaking, reading or writing the English language
3. Has high visual and spatial memory
4. Thinks holistically
5. Has acute ability for pattern recognition
6. Has natural inclination to see inconsistencies and dis-connects with information, theories, and behaviors
7. Expresses wisdoms beyond what is expected for their age or experience
8. Masters a skill or has a natural ability beyond average learning
9. Has significant high and low scores on various IQ tests
Emotional and Relational
1. Has a deep sense of justice or authenticity
2. Has a strong and clear sense of purpose
3. Is highly empathetic to animals and nature
4. Understands the deeper or more expanded relevance and connection of events and behaviors
5. Has high concern about the state of the world or anyone who may be in harm’s way
6. Feels or expresses impatience, arrogance, perfectionism or reclusiveness
7. Experiences night terrors
8. Experiences a prevalent fear of own bodily injury or blood
9. Has difficulty making eye contact or makes intense eye contact
10. Feels lost, abandoned, misplaced, or a lack of identity or belonging
11. Has feeling that they have two homes or two families
12. Has little recognition of social cues, cultural norms or boundaries
13. Has little or high attachment to personal possessions
1. Is an early, late, or non- talker according to standard developmental markers
2. Experiences a cross over of the 5 senses, i.e. sees odors, smells colors, feels numbers, hears shapes
3. Experiences high or low body awareness, physical boundaries, coordination, or movement
4. Experiences the body not looking or feeling like it "should" or like they remember
5. Experiences sensitivity to light, sound, movement, touch or surroundings
6. Prefers loose fitting, inside-out or no clothing or foot wear
7. Has significant and particular or narrow food preferences
8. Can't seem to find food that satisfies or feels there should be choices that aren't present in human diet
9. Expresses atypical rhythms and cycles for eating or sleeping
10. Sleepwalks
11. Expresses gender fluidity or identifies with no gender
12. Has weak muscles or is easily exhausted by physical exertion
13. Has extensive physical immobility or high physical activity
14. Has been diagnosed with or there is question of one of the following:
Epilepsy, ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, Autism, Asperger’s, Depression/Anxiety, Oppositional Defiant , Schizoid Personality, Delusional
1. Communicates beyond auditory or physical expression
2. Would much prefer communicating with thoughts or feelings
3. Has demonstrated an ability to move objects without touch
4. Experiences periodic missing time or disorientation
5. Knows information without experience or study
6. Knows written material without reading
7. Has demonstrated an ability to remote view environments
8. Experiences premonition of future events
9. Talks to oneself or beings/friends who are not visible to others or remembers saying goodbye to these friends
10. Sees or senses “presence” nearby
11. Is drawn to star or sky gazing
12. Has felt paralyzed or disturbed during sleep
13. Experiences or knows historical events not in the current timeline
14. Expresses that they can communicate with animals and nature
15. Knows what a person feels or has been doing without being with them
16. Phenomena happen nearby such as electrical events, objects moving, unexplained appearances
17. Experiences out of body sensation and awareness
1. Learning style and information processing is not congruent with conventional classroom setting or developmental standards
2. Expresses frustration at speaking, reading or writing the English language
3. Has high visual and spatial memory
4. Thinks holistically
5. Has acute ability for pattern recognition
6. Has natural inclination to see inconsistencies and dis-connects with information, theories, and behaviors
7. Expresses wisdoms beyond what is expected for their age or experience
8. Masters a skill or has a natural ability beyond average learning
9. Has significant high and low scores on various IQ tests
Emotional and Relational
1. Has a deep sense of justice or authenticity
2. Has a strong and clear sense of purpose
3. Is highly empathetic to animals and nature
4. Understands the deeper or more expanded relevance and connection of events and behaviors
5. Has high concern about the state of the world or anyone who may be in harm’s way
6. Feels or expresses impatience, arrogance, perfectionism or reclusiveness
7. Experiences night terrors
8. Experiences a prevalent fear of own bodily injury or blood
9. Has difficulty making eye contact or makes intense eye contact
10. Feels lost, abandoned, misplaced, or a lack of identity or belonging
11. Has feeling that they have two homes or two families
12. Has little recognition of social cues, cultural norms or boundaries
13. Has little or high attachment to personal possessions
1. Is an early, late, or non- talker according to standard developmental markers
2. Experiences a cross over of the 5 senses, i.e. sees odors, smells colors, feels numbers, hears shapes
3. Experiences high or low body awareness, physical boundaries, coordination, or movement
4. Experiences the body not looking or feeling like it "should" or like they remember
5. Experiences sensitivity to light, sound, movement, touch or surroundings
6. Prefers loose fitting, inside-out or no clothing or foot wear
7. Has significant and particular or narrow food preferences
8. Can't seem to find food that satisfies or feels there should be choices that aren't present in human diet
9. Expresses atypical rhythms and cycles for eating or sleeping
10. Sleepwalks
11. Expresses gender fluidity or identifies with no gender
12. Has weak muscles or is easily exhausted by physical exertion
13. Has extensive physical immobility or high physical activity
14. Has been diagnosed with or there is question of one of the following:
Epilepsy, ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, Autism, Asperger’s, Depression/Anxiety, Oppositional Defiant , Schizoid Personality, Delusional
1. Communicates beyond auditory or physical expression
2. Would much prefer communicating with thoughts or feelings
3. Has demonstrated an ability to move objects without touch
4. Experiences periodic missing time or disorientation
5. Knows information without experience or study
6. Knows written material without reading
7. Has demonstrated an ability to remote view environments
8. Experiences premonition of future events
9. Talks to oneself or beings/friends who are not visible to others or remembers saying goodbye to these friends
10. Sees or senses “presence” nearby
11. Is drawn to star or sky gazing
12. Has felt paralyzed or disturbed during sleep
13. Experiences or knows historical events not in the current timeline
14. Expresses that they can communicate with animals and nature
15. Knows what a person feels or has been doing without being with them
16. Phenomena happen nearby such as electrical events, objects moving, unexplained appearances
17. Experiences out of body sensation and awareness